Create a document
Customer id and Product id should be unique, if a new id is sent, a new Customer/Product with given details will be automatically created. For Product If an existing id is sent, the details will not override the original product details. They will be applicable only to the current document. For updating the product details, use the update product API
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>, where <token> is your auth token.
Value should always be the string 'invoice'
, subscription
, pro_forma_invoice
, estimate
, sales_return
, purchase_return
Array of Products/Services, refer Item Object below for parameters
Serial Number (deprecated, please use New Serial Number)
Party. If there are any changes made to the party details, we will update those details and any documents linked to this party ID will be updated to reflect the changes.
Any references you want to add to the doc
Notes to show in invoice - please check template in swipe application to see where this is displayed
Terms to show in invoice - please check template in swipe application to see where this is displayed
Adjustment on overall invoice, doesn’t effect any tax amounts.
Should Round Off total amount
Array of Payments, refer Payment Object for parameters
Bank Details, it is used to display bank details in document PDFs. No payments are associated with these bank details.
You can check the tds id and details mapping from
You can check the tcs id and details mapping from
Array of Charges and Deductions, refer Additional Charges Deductions Object for parameters
Company shipping from Address, refer Shipping Address Object for parameters
Company billing Address, refer Billing Address Object for parameters
Generate einvoice
Is Export
Export Invoice Details
Is Subscription
Subscription Details
Convert Document. Needed only when the document is already created and you want to convert it to another document
Document Custom Headers. Custom headers should already be added in Swipe Portal.