Log payments made by customers against their documents with accuracy and efficiency.

What We Offer

All the features mentioned below, and more, can be accessed directly using the Swipe Portal.

  1. Record Payment : Record payments made by customers against their documents with accuracy and efficiency

    Steps to record a payment:

    1. Checkout the record payment endpoint in the API playground and use your API key to test the endpoint.
    2. If your API key is valid, this api endpoint returns a 200 response with required details in a specified JSON format.

    Record Payment

    Try Recording a payment

  2. Fetch All Payments : Retrieve a complete list of all payments in your system based on the status enabling seamless tracking and management.

    Steps to get list of recorded payments:

    1. Checkout the list document endpoint in the API playground.
    2. If your API key is valid, this API endpoint returns a 200 response with a list of all the documents with basic details in JSON format.

    List of Payments

    Fetch List of all payments